Atypical by definition means not representative of a type of group or class. Las Vegas native producer Brandon Famini is just that. Atypical. Known as AWEMINUS, he’s manifested into one of the most promising emerging artists in not only bass music, but electronic as a whole. Taking risks, inventing new sounds, and experimenting with a multitude of synths and melodies, with this dangerous cocktail of skills, It’s no wonder his name’s being constantly thrown around the electronic scene.

Alternating between independent & label releases with notable labels such as Never Say Die, Halcyon, Bassrush and more, AWEMINUS has become more than a household name, but an all encompassing staple in the underground scene as he takes consistent creative risks.

This is truly only the beginning for this budding artist and we’re excited to see where the year takes him. Be ready for high intensity tracks & even higher intensity shows.

Represented by : Sjoerd Mathijssen



